- Peer work
PBL (long-term goal- not yet accoplished)
Love what I do and share the passion
Movement (not accomplished)
Use Visuals
Student Choice
Student Ownership
Mix it up – different activities
Have fun as the teacher
Pleasant Surprises
(Student Choice) My students worked extremely well together to complete their culminating projects for the Global Read Aloud book ‘Out of my Mind’. I had students engaged creating me various projects; songs about overcoming disability, research projects on Cerebral Palsy, a biography on a girl with Down Syndrome, and comic strips highlighting key events in the novel. Each students followed the expectations, using cues from their planning sheets and the rubric that was provided.
(Student Ownership) The students had some really good suggestions when I asked them to complete their Stop, Start and Continue Feedback slips. Here are some suggestions I will be using to help creating next week’s goals.
Start working with us individually during Math time
I will say I have proficiently provided one-on-one time during Language Arts to discuss literacy, but not enough time on literacy. I will take students who are struggling aside to reinforce numeracy strategies, but I have not extended this to all of my students in Math class.
Continue giving us more projects
This encourages me to pursue Project Based Learning. Although the project this weekend was for learning assessment, I was really impressed by their level of engagement.
Start giving us more P.E
Students just love their phys. Ed. time. Though I cannot give them more time for this subject area due to curriculum hour allocation, I will try to integrate more physical activity and game activities in to my other subject areas.
Continue to read us more books
This I feel is getting to know the specific interests of each class. As a class, they were extremely receptive to the Global Read Aloud. Even though this is now completed, I think I will look to the Rocky Mountain Book Award list to find great books to share with my class.
(Student Choice) When planning the project, I did not consider Bloom’s Taxonomy. I found that during the students’ working process, I was facilitating students to vary the project based when the work the student was providing was not at the level I felt they were ready to perform. In retrospect, I would have integrated more of Bloom’s taxonomy into the planning process to help decrease the redirection I provided to students once they had begun.
(Visual) I set out to represent our ‘Right to Left’ Addition and Subtraction strategies in a skit format. I feel like explaining the skit would not be effective, but in the end I do not think it helped the students to understand the concept better. Therefore, I will continue to look for effective interactive ways to represent math strategies for my students.
In closing, here are the goals I have set for myself for the next two weeks. This week my Leadership class is delivering the school’s first Cultural Fair – so I am giving myself more time to get these goals accomplished.
1. Provide more one-on-one time with all students in Mathematics to help reinforce strategies and introduce new strategies when needed
2. Initiate a Project Based Learning Project. Consider Bloom’s Taxonomy during the planning process
3. Integrate more physical activity and games in to other subject areas
4. Choose another great book to read to the class.
5. In addition to goal 4, find related books to feature as book talks to encourage individual reading
6. Integrate effective interactive and visual ways to represent math strategies